Archive for August, 2009

The Salt Lick

I sat on the deck early one Saturday morning savoring both the strong cup of coffee in my hand and the quiet rustle of the trees as a morning breeze navigated its way through the leaves. It was a time with no distractions and was ripe for contemplation and stealing a moment of silence with my God.

In my eyes corner, I noticed a slight movement. I sat very still trying not to move and in the process frighten the gentle creatures that entered my bastion of contemplation.

It was a mama deer and two small fawns.

As I watched, the trio cautiously approached the salt lick, I placed under a tree several months earlier, each took their turn taking in the salt, minerals and vitamins the brick red block provides.

I contemplated the scene before me. What was it about the salt lick that drew these three, and countless other animals who share the rural Georgia land on which I live?

Salt is a basic mineral that is necessary to life. Without it there would likely be no intelligent life on this earth.

“Chloride and sodium ions, the two major components of salt, are necessary for the survival of all known living creatures, including humans. Salt is involved in regulating the water content (fluid balance) of the body.” (Wikipedia)

Salt is a preservative, a flavoring, and was so valuable in history, Roman solders were partially paid in salt, and ancient merchants traded salt ounce for ounce for gold.

Salt represents longevity and endurance. It is durable and lasts for centuries.

“Salt has played a vital part in religious ritual in many cultures, symbolizing immutable, incorruptible purity.”

Depending upon which resource you use, salt is mentioned 30-41 times in the bible. Once such reference is Numbers 18:19:

“All the holy offerings that the People of Israel set aside for God, I’m turning over to you and your children. That’s the standard rule and includes both you and your children – a Covenant-of-Salt, eternal and unchangeable before God.” The Message

Salt was to be added to every sacrifice made by the ancient Hebrews. Salt was a symbol of the everlasting covenant between God and His people.

For those of us today, we are a part of that ancient covenant through the shed blood of Jesus.

Salt is significant in both physical and spiritual life. Without it there is no hope and no life.

After several minutes the big doe raised her head and stopped her gaze directly on me. She did not panic, she wasn’t even startled, she knew I was there all the time. In her eyes was a look of trust and even thanksgiving.

As I watched; the trio slowly made their way through the trees in my back yard and casually disappeared in the forest. Leaving me alone with my thoughts and contemplations.

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