Father of the Decade

As I began to consider this concept, I thought it would be fairly easy. After all, how many fathers are there in the world? There must be many that stand out. How much news has been reported in the last ten years? There must be great fathers among the reports.

Soon after beginning my research, I realized this was going to be a difficult, if not impossible, task.

There are fathers in the news alright.

Recently there was Dr. Umaru Abdulmutallab, the father of Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab, otherwise known as the “underpants bomber”, or the “undergarments bomber”, or something like that. He is charged with attempting to blow up a Northwest flight headed for Detroit on Christmas day. Dr. Abdulmutallab showed his concern for his son and all mankind, when he sought out the United States embassy in Nigeria to report his son turned to extreme Islamic jihadism and might be a threat to the David Goldmans Son 9d74United States. Certainly an act of love.

Then there was Mr. David Goldman, who finally won custody of his nine year old son after a five year international battle in a Brazilian court. He was hailed a hero as television cameras captured him shielding his son while whisking him into a waiting car, the beginning of a long journey back to the United States and readjustment with a father he has barely known.

How about Tiger Woods? A man with a beautiful family, a wife and two loving children. After a late night car accident in his own front yard, Tiger Woods announces df0dsomehow involving a golf club and a broken car window, his life unraveled squarely in the public eye. Mistress after mistress came forward with stories of infidelity and deception. I can only imagine the impact on his children and his wife.

Perhaps the story of Michael Lohan. The estranged father of celebrity Lindsay Lohan, arrested for violating an order of protection that was requested by his ex-wife.

Most fathers don’t get in the news for being great fathers. On the positive, take the example of the following individuals:

Billy Graham Crusade e850Billy Graham, one of the most recognized names in the world. He is known for his ministry that is credited with immeasurable numbers of people who have come to a relationship with Jesus Christ. He has been the “pastor of presidents”, the author of books, and the voice to the nations. All that being said, his role as a father doesn’t come to mind when his name is uttered in most circles.

Oral Roberts, recently passed and has been recognized as the one who brought Christ to the television. His efforts a televangelism changed the role of the evangelist forever. Many people were healed under the hand of this gentle servant. He was a father and husband, who loved and was loved, but he is not known for his greatness as a father.

Finally, I mention Derek Loux. A musician and spiritual leader who is known for being a champion of adoption. He recently passed, after a tragic automobile accident, leaving behind a wife and ten children. Of his children there were two biological daughters, five daughters adopted from the Marshall Islands, and three sons, adopted from the Ukraine. A man who made fatherhood a priority in his life and ministry.

In my research for the “Father of the Decade”, I found that fathers who take their role to heart; recognize their role as prophet, priest, and king. They emulate the life and example of Jesus Christ and because of that; they are recognized for other accomplishments in their lives.

Fathers are heralded in the eyes and hearts of their wives and children.

When they accept their charge as a father, they make a difference that lasts for generations, but is seldom recognized by the news writers of this world.

Several of the men I mentioned are truly great fathers and the greatest legacy they will leave is their role as a father.

Now as I come to the end of my search. I recognize that the “Father of the Decade” isn’t one father but the generation of men who over the past ten years have realized their call as a father. They have recognized it and placed it in their heart. They have not always been perfect, but they have committed themselves to be the best they could be. They have pledged not to make the mistakes of others and to ask forgiveness when they did. They have sought help and mentors along the way and made their steps straight.

In the end I realize the “Father of the Decade” is you!

En servicio como Padre

4 Responses to “Father of the Decade”

  1. 1 lwayswright December 31, 2009 at 4:48 PM

    I nominate my dad, who passed away October 29, 2009 at 3 am as father of the year. Dad had his first heartattack at the age of 39. Since then he had about 20 altogether. He was told he was going to die about 15 years ago and went on to amaze the doctors and his family with his strength his unending faith and determination to never give up. he has been my rock through my entire life. he was by no means a perfect man, he had his flaws, but that is what made him so amazing. he knew his flaws and he didn’t try to hide them from anyone. He died exactly how he lived, with strength, courage and determination. The last thing he said to me as he was leaving this earth is “I know where I’m going, I know who I will see when I get there. I’m ready. I love you and will say hi to mama for you when I get to heaven!” He is the father of a lifetime to me!


    • 2 David December 31, 2009 at 4:56 PM

      Thank you, it is a blessing to hear stories of such faith and strength. Your father’s legacy will go on through you for many generations to come. You are truly blessed



  2. 3 fidlerten February 19, 2011 at 12:33 PM

    Hi David,

    I really never had a real father; my mother remarried so many times. The man whose name I carry now was a good man who worked hard but he was not a social kind of guy. Well into my adult years, I had a phone conversation with him, were he asked me how the weather was where I was at. It felt strange because he had never asked me a question like that before. We just were not close at all.

    As far as preachers; only a few I have any respect for. Kenneth E. Hagen was a great prophet and someone who taught me allot through his ministry. Charles Capps, David Ingles, Andrew Wolmack, Kenneth Copeland, etc; but these men I really don’t think of as fathers so much, but I do respect their teachings and their ministry.

    Billy Graham I respect as a great preacher who has brought thousands to the Lord but we would disagree on many things if we knew each other. I’d still would love to know him as God as surely shined upon him.

    I suppose I’ve had to grow into my relationship with my Heavenly Father because I haven’t really had a good earthly role model to compare Him with.

    Larry Clement


    • 4 David February 19, 2011 at 1:23 PM

      My father was a man, as I often say, of few words. He was uncomfortable with showing any intimacy. His longest conversation ever with me was not more than 5 or 6 words. There are more men in this present age who don’t, really, know their earthly father than those that do. Our western society has emphasized more about providing physically for their children than providing spiritually for them. Because of this, it is hard for most of us to surrender to Him or to show true servanthood. Many of us just flat out missed the boat on that one. The difference is men, like you, are beginning to realize what is missing and are coming into true relationship with Christ. The natural outflow of this relationship is a much better understanding of what it means to be an earthly father.
      God bless


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